Manhattan Half! Otherwise known as a run in the Frozen Tundra!

Helllo!!! Did everyone enjoy their precipitation filled weekend? We got snow in New York, I can see it poring during the Giants game in San Fran! But snow or no snow, the race must go on! I had signed up for the Manhattan half despite reports of frozen conditions last year. I’m doing the NYRR 9+1 program and I figured this would be a good way to get a race in and access my fitness for Napa. Well as i’ve said before, i’ve had trouble getting real motivated for Napa training (though i’m plenty motivated for the sparkle wearing wine drinking party) so I decided to bag the idea of a speedy PR and add on miles instead. Good decision.

Not my photo, Pretty snow in Central Park though

When I work up on Saturday morning (after a DELICIOUS dinner at Westville which included CHOCOLATE PECAN PIE), I was tired and cold. And the streets were covered in snow. I checked nyrr website which said the run would take place but given the conditions it would be a fun run. I thought about bagging it particularly since we would get 9+1 credit without running it but I paid for it and I needed to get the miles in anyways so I dragged myself out of bed, put on my new SPARKLE skirt (did not take pictures whoops), and lots of clothing, ran a slow 5 miles to warm up, realized my calves were going to die running on the soft snow, and showed up at the start line. They did away with corrals for the Fun Run so i started right up at the front and managed to see my friend Lori! We started running and I tried to run a tempo pace but that didn’t really last so long. My calves and quads were SCREAMING and I felt like every step was two steps forward one step back. Everyone was friendly and chit chatting as they ran which was nice. I settled into a pace that was slow. And painful. I dropped my sports beans trying to get them open. In happier news, I was glad I ran. It was a good workout and I got all 18 miles in and felt justified doing not much else on our cold saturday. Today I’m still feeling it, with some soreness in my legs but I made it through a slow easy recovery run today. My skirt rocked and I got a lot of complements!


Also, I’ve got to say a big thanks to the volunteers!!! What they lacked in numbers they made up in spirt! I am not sure I would have been excited about standing in the snowy cold handing out water. At least I was moving around and had a chance at staying warm!! But those that came out were friendly and cheering and bouncing around for the thousands of crazy nuts that came out in the snow! All in all, tough race but I’m glad I did it!!

1/9 for NYCM 2013!

Kiddos in the snow!

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